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My Python Number Guessing Game

I have been trying to make a number guessing game for Python and so far it has altogether gone quite well. But what keeps bugging me is that it resets the number on every guess so

Solution 1:

Since you have number2 = int(randint(1,99)) inside your while cycle, then you create a new number each time. Put that line outside the while and the number will remain the same until someone guesses it

Solution 2:

There are a lot of things wrong with your code : the import statement should be at the beginning, and there is much duplicated code, which makes it hard to read.

Your problem comes from the fact that number2 = int(randint(1,99)) is called at each cycle of the while loop.

This could be improved to :

import os
import time
from random import randint

print("This is a random number generator")
number2 = int(randint(1,99))
while True:
        number1 =int(input("Please pick a NUMBER between 1 and 99\n"))
        if number1 not in range(1,99):
            print("You idiot! Pick a number IN THE RANGE")
        if number1 == number2:
            print("Congrats! You got it right")
        elif number1 < number2:
            print ("Too low, try again")
        elif number1 > number2:
            print ("Too high, try again")
    except (ValueError, NameError, SyntaxError):
        print("You idiot! This is not a number")


Solution 3:

Also, no need to import from random import randint everytime you need randint(). Put it at the top next to import time

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