Save Intermediate Results In Minimization Problem
I am running a minimization problem using the next code: import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import minimize Nfeval = 1 def objective_fnc(x): .... return y def callba
Solution 1:
I'd suggest something like this:
import numpy as np
class CallbackFunctor:
def __init__(self, obj_fun):
self.best_fun_vals = [np.inf]
self.best_sols = []
self.num_calls = 0
self.obj_fun = obj_fun
def __call__(self, x):
fun_val = self.obj_fun(x)
self.num_calls += 1
if fun_val < self.best_fun_vals[-1]:
def save_sols(self, filename):
sols = np.array([sol for sol in self.best_sols])
np.savetxt(filename, sols)
Here, you don't need ugly global variables and the callback saves each now found solution, i.e. a solution with a lower objective function value than the last found solution. Example usage:
cb = CallbackFunctor(objective_fun)
res = minimize(objective_fun, x0=x0, callback=cb)
print(cb.best_sols) # contains all your collected solutions
print(cb.best_fun_vals) # contains the corresponding objective function values
cb.save_sols("dummy.txt") # writes all solutions to a file 'dummy.txt'
However, in case you really want to write all solutions to a file for each new found solution, you can modify the callback such that it calls save_sol
after each new solution:
import numpy as np
class CallbackFunctor:
def __init__(self, obj_fun, filename):
self.best_fun_vals = [np.inf]
self.best_sols = []
self.num_calls = 0
self.obj_fun = obj_fun
self.filename = filename
def __call__(self, x):
fun_val = self.obj_fun(x)
self.num_calls += 1
if fun_val < self.best_fun_vals[-1]:
def save_sols(self, filename):
sols = np.array([sol for sol in self.best_sols])
np.savetxt(filename, sols)
cb = CallbackFunctor(objective_fun, "dummy.txt")
res = minimize(objective_fun, x0=x0, callback=cb)
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