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How Will I Save Inbound Call Recording After The Call From Twilio API In The Local Pc Python Flask

I used the sample code to receive a call from a number to twilio number. Now I need to save the recording as mp3. I cant understand how to do it. I tried to call various parameters

Solution 1:

Twilio developer evangelist here.

When you use <Record> to record a user, you can provide a URL as the recordingStatusCallback attribute. Then, when the recording is ready, Twilio will make a request to that URL with the details about the recording.

So, you can update your record TwiML to something like this:

    # Use <Record> to record the caller's message

Then you will need a new route for /recording-complete in which you receive the callback and download the file. There is a good post on how to download files in response to a webhook but it covers MMS messages. However, we can take what we learn from there to download the recording.

First, install and import the requests library. Also import request from Flask

import requests
from flask import Flask, request

Then, create the /recording-complete endpoint. We'll read the recording URL from the request. You can see all the request parameters in the documentation. Then we'll open a file using the recording SID as the file name, download the recording using requests and write the contents of the recording to the file. We can then respond with an empty <Response/>.

@app.route("/recording-complete", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def recording_complete():
    response = VoiceResponse()

    # The recording url will return a wav file by default, or an mp3 if you add .mp3
    recording_url = request.values['RecordingUrl'] + '.mp3'

    filename = request.values['RecordingSid'] + '.mp3'
    with open('{}/{}'.format("directory/to/download/to", filename), 'wb') as f:

    return str(resp)

Let me know how you get on with that.

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