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Nested List To Pandas Dataframe With Headers

Basically I am trying to do the opposite of How to generate a list from a pandas DataFrame with the column name and column values? To borrow that example, I want to go from the for

Solution 1:

One way to do this would be to take the column names as a separate list and then only give from 1st index for pd.DataFrame -

In [8]: data = [['Name','Rank','Complete'],
   ...:                ['one', 1, 1],
   ...:                ['two', 2, 1],
   ...:                ['three', 3, 1],
   ...:                ['four', 4, 1],
   ...:                ['five', 5, 1]]

In [10]: df = pd.DataFrame(data[1:],columns=data[0])

In [11]: df
    Name  Rank  Complete
0    one     1         1
1    two     2         1
2  three     3         1
3   four     4         1
4   five     5         1

If you want to set the first column Name column as index, use the .set_index() method and send in the column to use for index. Example -

In [16]: df = pd.DataFrame(data[1:],columns=data[0]).set_index('Name')

In [17]: df
       Rank  Complete
one       1         1
two       2         1
three     3         1
four      4         1
five      5         1

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