Django Form Not Saving Inputs- Refreshes Upon Submission
I am trying to create a website with two dropdown menus: Department and Course Number. The data for the dropdown menus comes from the 'courses' table of my SQL database. Right now
Solution 1:
def home(request):
context = {}
res = None
if request.method == 'POST':
form_CourseForm = CourseForm(request.POST)
working_info = Working_Form(request.POST)
args = {}
if form_CourseForm.is_valid():
if request.POST['dept']:
args['dept'] = request.POST['dept']
if request.POST['course_num']:
args['course_num'] = request.POST['course_num']
if working_info.is_valid():
if ('dept' in args) == ('course_num' in args):
results = process_inputs(args)
except Exception as e:
print('Exception caught')
context['err'] = forms.ValidationError("Error")
results = None
return render(request,'template.html',{'args':args})
form_CourseForm = CourseForm()
working_info = Working_Form()
and also in html
<form method='post' action='' ...... >
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