Try To Replace A Specific Value In A Dataframe, But Does Not Overwritte It
My dataframe looks like this orders_total: price amount side 0 0.003019 100 bids 0 0.003143 100 asks When I try to replace a specific value by doing the following
Solution 1:
You're attempting to modify in-place when you really are ending up with a copy
of the dataframe, not a view, and hence the original dataframe remains unchanged. This is known as chained indexing.
To find out more on this check: Returning a view versus a copy.
You want to index along both axis using .loc
. This will lead to a single call to __getitem__
which will return a view of the dataframe, and changes to this view will be reflected on the original dataframe:
orders_total.loc[orders_total.side == 'asks', 'amount'] -= 10
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