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Kivy Text Markup Printing Its Own Syntax

I was testing out Kivy's markup feature. The basic outline of my test program is there are 4 labels and a button and if the button is pressed, it changes the color of the first let

Solution 1:

The markup is part of the string stored in text. So the second time you run the loop, indeed the first character ([) gets inserted in between the markup tags, messing up the parsing.

What you want to do could be achieved by storing the raw text in another StringProperty, let's call it _hidden_text. Then, in the loop, you can set

self.root.ids[lol].text = '[color=#E5D209]{}[/color]{}'.format(self.root.ids[lol]._hidden_text[0], self.root.ids[lol]._hidden_text[1:])

In this way you avoid reusing the added markup. Of course you may want to set up bindings for making the assignment _hidden_texttext automatic.


Add this class definition:

class CLabel(Label):
    hidden_text = StringProperty('')

then change the kv style for CLabel to


and each use of CLabel should look like

    id: a
    hidden_text: 'abcd'

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