How To Extract Variables In A Python Script Without Executing It?
In some cases its useful to read data from a Python script (which may be from an un-trusted source), and extract values from it. Even though in most cases a format such as XML/JSON
Solution 1:
This can be done using Python's ast module:
This example function reads a single named variable from a file.
Of course this requires the variable can be evaluated using ast.literal_eval()
defsafe_eval_var_from_file(mod_path, variable, default=None, *, raise_exception=False):
import ast
ModuleType = type(ast)
withopen(mod_path, "r", encoding='UTF-8') as file_mod:
data =
ast_data = ast.parse(data, filename=mod_path)
if raise_exception:
raiseprint("Syntax error 'ast.parse' can't read %r" % mod_path)
import traceback
ast_data = Noneif ast_data:
for body in ast_data.body:
if body.__class__ == ast.Assign:
iflen(body.targets) == 1:
ifgetattr(body.targets[0], "id", "") == variable:
return ast.literal_eval(body.value)
if raise_exception:
raiseprint("AST error parsing %r for %r" % (variable, mod_path))
import traceback
return default
# Example use, read from ourself :)
that_variable = safe_eval_var_from_file(__file__, "this_variable")
this_variable = {"Hello": 1.5, b'World': [1, 2, 3], "this is": {'a set'}}
assert(this_variable == that_variable)
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