Error When Attempting To Install Django-toolkit Within A Python Virtualenv
Solution 1:
do you have python-dev
If you did, try installing libpq-dev
Solution 2:
Before installing django-toolbelt you have to install those following dependencies:
$ sudo apt-get install python-dev python-psycopg2 libpq-dev
And then in the virtualenv:
(myven)trinh@trinh-pc:/path/to/django/project$ pip install django-toolbelt
Solution 3:
I had same problem: one of the messages was couldn't run pg_config. Despite fact I had pg_config on my PATH and had restarted terminal to be sure.
My solution was to just run pg_config right before pip install django-toolbelt.
install than ran without any errors.
Solution 4:
Just in case this will help anyone.
I'm working through this on Windows and was having this problem while trying to install django-toolbelt via pip in a virtualenv.
I had to add the entire directory to my PATH and make sure that Program Files was in quotes --
PATH=$PATH:/c/"program files"/postgresql/9.4/bin/
I was trying to get this work for hours so hopefully this helps someone else!
Solution 5:
You need Postgres on you Mac because the django-toolbelt will try to install psycopg2 that won't find the path for the database and will raise the error.
The easiest solution is to install the and then add to the .profile file located on your home folder the following and restart or just run the command manually in the terminal:
export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/
Now you are ready to install the toolbelt
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