How To Add Widgets To Container Widget In Ipython/jupyter
I am trying to make VBox widget and and add a new row with text when button is clicked. I try the following code import ipywidgets as wg from ipywidgets import Layout from IPytho
Solution 1:
You can use a simple plus to concatenate two lists.
vb.children=tuple(list(vb.children) + [new_button])
So your full script will look like this:
import ipywidgets as wg
from ipywidgets import Layout
from IPython.display import display
vb = wg.VBox([wg.Text('1'),wg.Text('2')])
btn = wg.Button(description = 'Add')
vb.children=tuple(list(vb.children) + [wg.Text('3')])
display(vb, btn)
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