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Packages Listed Multiple Times For An Environment In Anaconda's "conda List"

When I list packages in a conda environment, I get e.g. the following result: $ conda list # packages in environment at /Users/tkb/anaconda3/envs/xxx: # _nb_ext_conf 0

Solution 1:

The third column tells you how the package was installed. If it has pyXX_Y, it was installed by conda, and the XX indicate the Python major and minor version (i.e., 35 is Python 3.5), and the build number of the package, which is an internal number used by conda to help judge which versions of a package are newer when the version of the software in the package is the same. If the third column says <pip>, the package was installed by pip. Sometimes, there's a fourth column when the package was installed by conda; this column indicates the channel the package was installed from (specified by -c or --channel in the install or create command).

As for what effect this has, it probably depends on the package. In general, the advice is to install packages into conda environments using conda whenever possible, because conda can't manage (uninstall, upgrade, etc.) packages that were installed by pip.

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