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Pandas.read_csv() Memoryerror

I have a 1gb csv file. The file has about 10000000(10 Mil) rows. I need to iterate through the rows to get the max of a few selected rows(based on a condition). The issue is readin

Solution 1:

If the file you are trying to read is too large to be contained as a whole in memory, you also cannot read it in chunks then reassemble it in memory, because in the end that needs at least as much memory.

You could try to read the file in chuncks, filter out unnecessary rows in each chunck (based on the condition you are mentionning), then reassemble the remaining rows in a dataframe.

Which gives something like that:

df = pd.concat(apply_your_filter(chunck_df) for chunck_df in pd.read_csv('capture2.csv', iterator=True, chunksize=10000, dtype={'timestamp': float, 'vdd_io_soc_i': float, 'vdd_io_soc_v': float, 'vdd_io_plat_i': float, 'vdd_io_plat_v': float, 'vdd_ext_flash_i': float, 'vdd_ext_flash_v': float, 'vsys_i vsys_v': float, 'vdd_aon_dig_i': float, 'vdd_aon_dig_v': float, 'vdd_soc_1v8_i': float, 'vdd_soc_1v8_v': float}), ignore_index=True)

And/or find the max of each chunck, then the max of each of those chunck maxs.

Solution 2:

Pandas read_csv() has a low memory flag.

tp  = pd.read_csv('capture2.csv',low_memory=True, ...)

The low_memory flag is only available if you use the C parser

engine : {‘c’, ‘python’}, optional

Parser engine to use. The C engine is faster while the python engine is currently more feature-complete.

You can also use the memory_map flag

memory_map : boolean, default False

If a filepath is provided for filepath_or_buffer, map the file object directly onto memory and access the data directly from there. Using this option can improve performance because there is no longer any I/O overhead.


p.s. use 64bit python - see my comment

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