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Python Over-writing My List Elements

Fairly new to python, very new to python classes. Question is a bit involved. Most appreciative of your patience: I have a class 'Star'. It is simple. Attributes x, v, and mass

Solution 1:

I think it is worth noting that if you have more than 1 galaxy, they'll share the same stars. This could lead you to believe that you're overwriting your stars when you really aren't...

I'm guessing you would probably be better with an __init__ that looks like:

    self.stars = []
    self.numstars = numin
    for n inrange(numin):

Here I've shifted the class attributestars to be an instance attribute. Now each instance will have it's own stars list instead of sharing one stars list with all of the other galaxies in the universe.

As others have noted, your history list is going to suffer from a similar problem (You have multiple references to the same list). However, the fix really depends on what you do in self.velstep and self.xstep. If you modify the Star objects in place, then a simple (shallow) list copy won't do you any good (e.g. gal.time_stepper(0.1)[:]). (You'll create a new list, but it will hold the same stars which are constantly being updated). In that case, you'll want copy.deepcopy when you append to your history list:

for n in range(100):

Solution 2:

This is because the stars list is mutable - it is a changeable variable. When you call stars.append, it does not create a new list - it simple edits the existing list. And when you call history.append(x), python does not create a fresh, clean copy of x - it assumes you want the "real" x to be placed in the history array.

If you'd like to copy the state of the list at each iteration, there are several options (see How to clone a list in python?).

The copy module will do the trick. It offers both 'shallow' and 'deep' copies - roughly speaking, deep copies attempt to also copy any other variables they find inside an object (for example, lists containing other lists), while shallow ones just go one layer down:

Here's shallow copies with copy:


for n in range(100):

And deep copies:


for n in range(100):

Slicing the array will work, since it always shallow copies as an intermediate step:

history = []
for n in range(100):

You can also call list on the existing list - this typecast-esque operation always returns a new list object (again, shallowly):

history = []
for n in range(100):

Solution 3:

It is not changing or over writing all of the values, but rather all of the elements in the history point to the same array object. You need to assign by value as opposed to reference by using a copy of the array.

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