How Can A Reduce A Key Value Pair To Key And List Of Values?
Let us Assume, I have a key value pair in Spark, such as the following. [ (Key1, Value1), (Key1, Value2), (Key1, Vaue3), (Key2, Value4), (Key2, Value5) ] Now I want to reduce this
Solution 1:
can be the solution
>>> from collections import defaultdict
>>> d = defaultdict(list)
>>> for key, value in [('Key1', 'Value1'), ('Key1', 'Value2'), ('Key1', 'Vaue3'), ('Key2', 'Value4'), ('Key2', 'Value5') ]:
... d[key].append(value)
>>> print d.items()
[('Key2', ['Value4', 'Value5']), ('Key1', [ 'Value1','Value2', 'Vaue3'])]
Solution 2:
val data = Seq(("Key1", "Value1"), ("Key1", "Value2"), ("Key1", "Vaue3"), ("Key2", "Value4"), ("Key2", "Value5"))
res0: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,Seq[String]] =
Key2 -> List(Value4, Value5),
Key1 -> List(Value1, Value2, Vaue3))
Solution 3:
I'm sure there's a more readable way to do this, but the first thing that comes to mind is using itertools.groupby
. Sort the list by the first element of the tuple (the key). Then use a list comprehension to iterate over the groups.
from itertools import groupby
l = [('key1', 1),('key1', 2),('key1', 3),('key2', 4),('key2', 5)]
l.sort(key = lambda i : i[0])
[(key, [i[1] for i in values]) for key, values in groupby(l, lambda i: i[0])]
[('key1', [1, 2, 3]), ('key2', [4, 5])]
Solution 4:
Something like this
newlist = dict()
for x in l:
if x[0] notin newlist:
dict[x[0]] = list()
Solution 5:
The shortest, using the defaultdict, is the following; no requirements on being sorted.
>>>from collections import defaultdict >>>collect = lambda tuplist: reduce(lambda acc, (k,v): acc[k].append(v) or acc,\
tuplist, defaultdict(list))
>>>collect( [(1,0), (2,0), (1,2), (2,3)])
defaultdict(<type 'list'>, {1: [0, 2], 2: [0, 3]})
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