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Categories On Help Command For Discord Bot

As you can see, the category says 'No category'. How can I change the category for a command? My code: @bot.command(pass_context=True) async def ping(ctx): '''Pong''' awai

Solution 1:

If you don't want the complexity of adding Cogs for a simple bot, you can rewrite the "No Category" string by modifying the HelpCommand:

For example:

from discord.ext import commands

# Change only the no_category default string
help_command = commands.DefaultHelpCommand(
    no_category = 'Commands'

# Create the bot and pass it the modified help_command
bot = commands.Bot(
    command_prefix = commands.when_mentioned_or('?'),
    description = description,
    help_command = help_command

The result should look like:

This is the bot description

  something Do something

Solution 2:

Help message categories are separated by cogs.

You can add cogs by using bot.add_cog(cog).

    """Category documentations"""    @commands.command(pass_context=True)asyncdefping(self, ctx):
        """Pong"""await bot.say(":ping_pong: Pong!")
        print ("user has pinged")


Solution 3:

Currently for any other people that come here, the syntax for creating cogs has been changed. Now your class has to inherit from commands.Cog and pass_context has been depreciated. So if you want to have a cog in the same file of the bot:

import discord
from discord.ext import commands

   """Cog description"""    @commands.command()asyncdefping(self, ctx):
        """Command description"""await ctx.send("Pong!")

bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="!")

I recommend not doing this and having separate files for each cog, if you want a example on that, check out:

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