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How To Plot An Image From A Connection Matrix?

I want to write a script to create an image from a connection matrix. Basically, wherever there is a '1' in the matrix, I want that area to be shaded in the image. For eg - I cre

Solution 1:

I would suggest usage of opencv combined with numpy in this case. Create two-dimensional numpy.array of dtype='uint8' with 0 for black and 255 for white. For example, to get 2x2 array with white left upper, white right lower, black left lower and black right upper, you could use code:

myarray = numpy.array([[255,0],[0,255]],dtype='uint8')

Then you could save that array as image with opencv2 in this way:


In which every cell of array is represented by single pixel, however if you want to upscale (so for example every cell is represented by 5x5 square) then you might use numpy.kron function, with following one line:

myarray = numpy.kron(myarray, numpy.ones((5,5)))

before writing image

Solution 2:

May be you can try this!

import as cm 
# Display matrix
plt.imshow(np.random.choice([0, 1], size=100).reshape((10, 10)),cmap=cm.binary)

enter image description here

Solution 3:

With a Seaborn heatmap:

import seaborn as sns
data = np.random.choice([0, 1], size=(16,16), p=[3./4, 1./4])
ax = sns.heatmap(data, square=True, xticklabels=False, yticklabels=False, cbar=False, linewidths=.8, linecolor='lightgray', cmap='gray_r')

enter image description here

Note the reverse colormap gray_r to have black for 1's and white for 0's.

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