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Http Post And Get With Cookies For Authentication In Python

I'm trying to create a python program that logs in to my university's site using my id and password. This is the formal page for logging in: As yo

Solution 1:

I would try using the requests library. The documentation is excellent, and the code ends up being much cleaner than with urllib*

$ pip install requests

Using a session (see comment by Piotr) that handles cookies on its own, the result looks like this

import requests
url_0 = ""
url = ""
data = {"pr1": "123456789", "pr2": "1234"}

s = requests.session()
r =, data)

It seems to work fine, as I get a "Usuario inexistente" notice for pr1 123456789 and "Sehna inválida" with your user-number.

Solution 2:

You have to use the same "opener" you have created for all your requests, and it will handle the cookies all by itself.

here is an extract of something i wrote recently

opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookielib.CookieJar()))

# then for all requests

if postData:     
    pData =  urllib.urlencode(postData)
    pData = None

httpReq = urllib2.Request(url, pData, self._headers)
page =

Solution 3:

Converting MatthieuW's Answer to Python 3 gives.

import urllib, http.cookiejar

opener = urllib.request.build_opener(urllib.request.HTTPCookieProcessor(http.cookiejar.CookieJar()))
# then for all requests

if postData:     
    pData =  urllib.parse.urlencode(postData)
    pData = None

httpReq = urllib.request.Request(url, pData)
page =

Solution 4:

I recommend you to use mechanize, it automatically handles sessions/cookies/logins for you, furthermore it provides a urllib-like API and e.g. form-filling, so you don't have to mess with the right POST-request, since it gets constructed by mechanize.

Solution 5:

urllib is no good, use requests!

from requests import Request, Session

url = ""
s = requests.Session()

p = dict(pb1 = 'dd', pb2 = 'cc')
r = s.get(url, params = p) 
# use the cert=/path/to/certificate.pem if you need it# elsewhere use verify = False to bypass ssl verification

c = r.cookies

# Then send back a response using those same cookies

r = requests.get(other_url, cookies = c, verify = False)

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