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Python H5py: Can I Store A Dataset Which Different Columns Have Different Types?

Suppose I have a table which has many columns, only a few columns is float type, others are small integers, for example: col1, col2, col3, col4 1.31 1 2 3 2.33 3

Solution 1:

I'm going to demonstrate the structured array approach:

I'm guessing you are starting with a csv file 'table'. If not it's still the easiest way to turn your sample into an array:

In [40]: txt = '''col1, col2, col3, col4, col5
    ...: 1.31   1      2     3    "a"
    ...: 2.33   3      5     4    "b"
    ...: '''

In [42]: data = np.genfromtxt(txt.splitlines(), names=True, dtype=None, encoding=None)

In [43]: data
array([(1.31, 1, 2, 3, '"a"'), (2.33, 3, 5, 4, '"b"')],
      dtype=[('col1', '<f8'), ('col2', '<i8'), ('col3', '<i8'), ('col4', '<i8'), ('col5', '<U3')])

With these parameters, genfromtxt takes care of creating a structured array. Note it is a 1d array with 5 fields. Fields dtype are determined from the data.

In [44]: import h5py

In [46]: f = h5py.File('struct.h5', 'w')

In [48]: ds = f.create_dataset('data',data=data)
TypeError: No conversion path for dtype: dtype('<U3')

But h5py has problems saving the unicode strings (default for py3). There may be ways around that, but here it will be simpler to convert the string dtype to bytestrings. Besides, that'll be more compact.

To convert that, I'll make a new dtype, and use astype. Alternatively I could specify the dtypes in the genfromtxt call.

In [49]: data.dtype
Out[49]: dtype([('col1', '<f8'), ('col2', '<i8'), ('col3', '<i8'), ('col4', '<i8'), ('col5', '<U3')])

In [50]: data.dtype.descr
[('col1', '<f8'),
 ('col2', '<i8'),
 ('col3', '<i8'),
 ('col4', '<i8'),
 ('col5', '<U3')]

In [51]: dt1 = data.dtype.descr

In [52]: dt1[-1] = ('col5', 'S3')

In [53]: data.astype(dt1)
array([(1.31, 1, 2, 3, b'"a"'), (2.33, 3, 5, 4, b'"b"')],
      dtype=[('col1', '<f8'), ('col2', '<i8'), ('col3', '<i8'), ('col4', '<i8'), ('col5', 'S3')])

Now it saves the array without problem:

In [54]: data1 = data.astype(dt1)

In [55]: data1
array([(1.31, 1, 2, 3, b'"a"'), (2.33, 3, 5, 4, b'"b"')],
      dtype=[('col1', '<f8'), ('col2', '<i8'), ('col3', '<i8'), ('col4', '<i8'), ('col5', 'S3')])

In [56]: ds = f.create_dataset('data',data=data1)

In [57]: ds
Out[57]: <HDF5 dataset "data": shape (2,), type "|V35">

In [58]: ds[:]
array([(1.31, 1, 2, 3, b'"a"'), (2.33, 3, 5, 4, b'"b"')],
      dtype=[('col1', '<f8'), ('col2', '<i8'), ('col3', '<i8'), ('col4', '<i8'), ('col5', 'S3')])

I could make further modifications, shortening one or more of the int fields:

In [60]: dt1[1] = ('col2','i2')    
In [61]: dt1[2] = ('col3','i2')

In [62]: dt1
[('col1', '<f8'),
 ('col2', 'i2'),
 ('col3', 'i2'),
 ('col4', '<i8'),
 ('col5', 'S3')]

In [63]: data1 = data.astype(dt1)

In [64]: data1
array([(1.31, 1, 2, 3, b'"a"'), (2.33, 3, 5, 4, b'"b"')],
      dtype=[('col1', '<f8'), ('col2', '<i2'), ('col3', '<i2'), ('col4', '<i8'), ('col5', 'S3')])

In [65]: ds1 = f.create_dataset('data1',data=data1)

ds1 has a more compact storage, 'V23' vs 'V35'

In [67]: ds1
Out[67]: <HDF5 dataset "data1": shape (2,), type "|V23">In [68]: ds1[:]
array([(1.31, 1, 2, 3, b'"a"'), (2.33, 3, 5, 4, b'"b"')],
      dtype=[('col1', '<f8'), ('col2', '<i2'), ('col3', '<i2'), ('col4', '<i8'), ('col5', 'S3')])

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