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Toxresult_upload Permission In Devpi Index

I am using the Python devpi server, and when I create an index, it adds a default a setting acl_toxresult_upload=:ANONYMOUS:, but I cannot find out what it means. When I view the i

Solution 1:

devpi supports running tests for an uploaded package with tox on the client side. The process is roughly the following:

  1. create the dist (e.g. python sdist). For tests to work, the distribution must include the test scripts and the tox.ini config.
  2. upload the dist to devpi, e.g.

    devpi upload --index hoefling/dev dist/mypkg-0.1.tar.gz
  3. run the tests via

    devpi test --index hoefling/dev mypkg

    This will download the dist from the specified index and start the test run as configured in tox.ini.

  4. once the tests finish, devpi-client will upload the test results to the server so they can be viewed anytime via the web UI: enter image description here When clicking on the tests link, you will land on the page showing the test run overview:

enter image description here By clicking on the links referring to the separate test runs, you can inspect the test run logs in details.

Now, acl_toxresult_upload, similar to acl_upload, is the list of users that are allowed to upload test results to that index. acl_toxresult_upload=:ANONYMOUS: means that anyone can run devpi test --index your_index yourpkg and upload the test results. If you want to restrict the access, do it the same way you restrict the package upload access:

$ devpi index your_index acl_toxresult_upload=me,admin,ci-bot

Docs: devpi test: testing an uploaded package.

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