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Showing posts from July, 2024

Python Requests: How Can I Properly Submit A Multipart/form Post Using A File Name

I have taken a look at other questions related to multipart/form POST requests in Python but unfort… Read more Python Requests: How Can I Properly Submit A Multipart/form Post Using A File Name

Python 3.2 Typeerror: Unsupported Operands(s) For %: 'nonetype' And 'str'

Just getting started with python and tried the following bit of code my_name = 'Joe Bloggs'… Read more Python 3.2 Typeerror: Unsupported Operands(s) For %: 'nonetype' And 'str'

Unable To Load Apache Server While Loading External Modules In A Class

This is my django project hierarchy project/ apache/ django.wsgi project/ __init__.p… Read more Unable To Load Apache Server While Loading External Modules In A Class

Pyinstaller Failing To Include Some Modules From C:\python27\lib

I've been repeatedly making good PyInstaller executables of a Tkinter utility program, and sudd… Read more Pyinstaller Failing To Include Some Modules From C:\python27\lib

Flask App Runs Smoothly Locally But Getting Error When Deployed On Heroku

I have Flask app and within the app, I have a view where I am using xlsxwriter to write and save Ex… Read more Flask App Runs Smoothly Locally But Getting Error When Deployed On Heroku

Modelform Data Not Saving Django

I've read the other posts on here about form data not saving, but can't seem to pinpoint my… Read more Modelform Data Not Saving Django

How To Overload Python's __bool__ Method?

Possible Duplicate: defining “boolness” of a class in python I thought this should print 'Fal… Read more How To Overload Python's __bool__ Method?

Replacing Multiple Items With Regex In Python

I have a text file that contains certain string sequences that I want to modify. For example, in th… Read more Replacing Multiple Items With Regex In Python

Reshape A Pandas Dataframe

suppose a dataframe like this one: df = pd.DataFrame([[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8],[9,10,11,12]], columns = … Read more Reshape A Pandas Dataframe

Outputed Py2exe Exe Won't Run Only When Signed: Importerror

So, I've got a program I made in python 2.6, it ran fine as normal python, and ran fine when ma… Read more Outputed Py2exe Exe Won't Run Only When Signed: Importerror

Pygame Wait For Screen To Update

I just started with pygame, and I am just trying to move points across my screen. The problem is th… Read more Pygame Wait For Screen To Update

How Do I Open (and Close) A Pyqt5 Application Inside A Loop, And Get That Loop Running Multiple Times

The following is a loop that I created: import mainui import loginui from PyQt5 import QtWidgets im… Read more How Do I Open (and Close) A Pyqt5 Application Inside A Loop, And Get That Loop Running Multiple Times

Linear Regression Using Scipy.odr Fails (not Full Rank At Solution)

so was trying a linear regression with scipy.odr. However, it failed miserably. scipy.odr has worke… Read more Linear Regression Using Scipy.odr Fails (not Full Rank At Solution)

Colour The X-values And Show In Legend Instead Of As Ticks, In Matplotlib (or Seaborn)

I have a large df which I've grouped to plot in a bar chart. I made this mock df to show what … Read more Colour The X-values And Show In Legend Instead Of As Ticks, In Matplotlib (or Seaborn)

How To Return Default Values With *args, And **kwargs In Function Signature

I'm trying to wrap my head around using args and kwargs in Python 3 (Python 3.7.0) but I'm … Read more How To Return Default Values With *args, And **kwargs In Function Signature

How To Speed Up Reading From Compressed Hdf5 Files

I have several big HDF5 file stored on an SSD (lzf compressed file size is 10–15 GB, uncompressed s… Read more How To Speed Up Reading From Compressed Hdf5 Files

Pandas - How To Pick Events By Date And Create A New Ordered Dataframe. - Surgery Patients

I am a surgeon looking at neurosurgery. I have a dataframe of 600,000 records, and 70 columns with … Read more Pandas - How To Pick Events By Date And Create A New Ordered Dataframe. - Surgery Patients

Python Tkinter - Destroy Window After Time Or On Click

I have following code: import tkinter as tk from tkinter import messagebox try: w = tk.Tk() … Read more Python Tkinter - Destroy Window After Time Or On Click

Flask-login Shows 401 Instead Of Redirecting To Login View

Using Flask-Login, I want to require login for some views. When I try to access a view that is dec… Read more Flask-login Shows 401 Instead Of Redirecting To Login View

Python/curve_fit: Cannot Pass Array With Init Guess

I have this function to compute some sort of polynomial: def pipoly(df,pj): n=np.size(pj) p… Read more Python/curve_fit: Cannot Pass Array With Init Guess

Scikit-learn Labeled Dataset Creation From Segmented Time Series

INTRO I have a Pandas DataFrame that represents a segmented time series of different users (i.e., u… Read more Scikit-learn Labeled Dataset Creation From Segmented Time Series

Scrapy Returning A Null Output When Extracting An Element From A Table Using Xpath

I have been trying to scrape this website that has details of oil wells in Colorado https://cogcc.s… Read more Scrapy Returning A Null Output When Extracting An Element From A Table Using Xpath

Why Do I Get A Syntax Error When Trying To Test For Correct User Input?

print ('Hello, and welcome to TEXT RPG!') name = input('Would you be so kind as to tell… Read more Why Do I Get A Syntax Error When Trying To Test For Correct User Input?

Matplotlib's "symlog" Option: How To Prevent Curves That "come Back"?

I'm plotting data which extent, in x, from -1000 to 1000. But I'm only interested in the va… Read more Matplotlib's "symlog" Option: How To Prevent Curves That "come Back"?

Limit Neural Network Output To Subset Of Trained Classes

Is it possible to pass a vector to a trained neural network so it only chooses from a subset of the… Read more Limit Neural Network Output To Subset Of Trained Classes

Capitalize A Substring Within A String

I'm trying to create something like: string: How do you do today? substring: o >>> hO… Read more Capitalize A Substring Within A String

Cmake Pybind11 Cannot Create Target Because Another Target With The Same Name Already Exists, How To Bypass?

I have code which successfully runs. Its CmakeLists.txt is: cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15) pr… Read more Cmake Pybind11 Cannot Create Target Because Another Target With The Same Name Already Exists, How To Bypass?

Python Output To Terminal During Ssh Login

I have been looking everywhere for this and have not found a solution. I am using python 2.5.1 on a… Read more Python Output To Terminal During Ssh Login

Is Set Deterministic?

When reading such questions as Get unique values from a list in python you can see the remarks the … Read more Is Set Deterministic?

Usage Of Dragbehavior In Kivy

I'm new for python and kivy, and struggling with them. I wanted to implement drag and drop func… Read more Usage Of Dragbehavior In Kivy

How To Slice A List Into 3 Parts Based On Percentage?

I have a files list and I want to split it into 3 parts : training, validation and testing. I have … Read more How To Slice A List Into 3 Parts Based On Percentage?

Python/numpy: Convert List Of Bools To Unsigned Int

What is the fastest (or most 'Pythonic') way to convert x = [False, False, True, True] int… Read more Python/numpy: Convert List Of Bools To Unsigned Int

Execute (sub)commands In Secondary Shell/command On Ssh Server In Paramiko

My goal is to be able to SSH into a device, execute CLI command which will take me to another Shell… Read more Execute (sub)commands In Secondary Shell/command On Ssh Server In Paramiko

Python 3 Simon Says For Loop String Comparison

I'm new to python 3 and I feel like I am learning in the worst way possible. Everything is thro… Read more Python 3 Simon Says For Loop String Comparison

Filter A 2d Numpy Array

I want to have a sub array (between min and max) of a numpy 2D ndarray xy_dat = get_xydata() … Read more Filter A 2d Numpy Array

Finding Rms Noise In A Spectra

I have an intensity v/s velocity spectrum and my aim is to find the RMS noise in the spectrum exclu… Read more Finding Rms Noise In A Spectra

Raw Client-server Socket Python

I would like to realize a RAW socket in Python and then send data from the Client to the Server. Un… Read more Raw Client-server Socket Python

Reading A Docx File From S3 Bucket With Flask Results In An Attributeerror

I got so many different errors, I don't even know which is pertinent to mention but it's no… Read more Reading A Docx File From S3 Bucket With Flask Results In An Attributeerror

Comparing Sublists And Merging Them

I have a list that contains a lot of sublists, which are initially pairs of numbers, so it looks li… Read more Comparing Sublists And Merging Them

How To Get Twitter Followers Using Twython?

I want to get a list of twitter followers/following of a particular user, when their screenname or … Read more How To Get Twitter Followers Using Twython?

How To Read The Result Of A Radiobutton With Python

I would like to add some widgets like Radiobutton with Python2.7 but my code does not compile. What… Read more How To Read The Result Of A Radiobutton With Python

Force Subprocess To Use Python 3

So, I was trying to write a Python script that utilized subprocess to call another Python script in… Read more Force Subprocess To Use Python 3

Pandas `groupby.aggregate` On `df.index.duplicated()`

Scenario. Assume a pd.DataFrame, loaded from an external source where one row is a line from a se… Read more Pandas `groupby.aggregate` On `df.index.duplicated()`

Help With Tkinter Alpha

I have a python program that has no windows frame and doesn't show up in the taskbar because of… Read more Help With Tkinter Alpha

Regex: Python Vs. Sed Replace The Fqdn Of A Url But Preserve Port

TL;DR: I'm trying to change the FQDN of a URL but keep the port using python's re.sub. E… Read more Regex: Python Vs. Sed Replace The Fqdn Of A Url But Preserve Port

If I Want To Build A Custom Database, How Could I?

I built a previous program that took client info and stored it in a folder of txt files (impractica… Read more If I Want To Build A Custom Database, How Could I?

Django Orm: How Count In Annotation Differ From Count On Query Set?

qs = ... qs = qs.annotate(v=Count('a', filter=Q(a__lt=5))) a = qs.first().v b = qs.filter(… Read more Django Orm: How Count In Annotation Differ From Count On Query Set?

Replace Data Of An Array By 2 Values Of A Second Array

I have two numpy arrays 'Elements' and 'nodes'. My aim is to gather some data of th… Read more Replace Data Of An Array By 2 Values Of A Second Array

Skipping Elif Statement?

Am trying to create a simple encryption/decryption using pycryptodome but keeping getting the follo… Read more Skipping Elif Statement?

Python "import" Scope

I am dealing with some python code automatically generated for me. I want to avoid manually editing… Read more Python "import" Scope

Summing Rows In Python Dataframe

I just started learning Python so forgive me if this question has already been answered somewhere e… Read more Summing Rows In Python Dataframe

Equal Axis Labels And Ranges For All Subplots

Say I'm plotting an image with 4 subplots like so: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig =… Read more Equal Axis Labels And Ranges For All Subplots

Running Sphinx Html Make Gets Stuck After Reading Sources

I am trying to use Sphinx for the first time to get documentation from docstrings in my code. I am … Read more Running Sphinx Html Make Gets Stuck After Reading Sources

When Calcuating Distance Between Points On Earth Why Are My Haversine Vs. Geodesic Calculations Diverging?

I am getting wildly diverging distances using two approximations to calculate distance between poin… Read more When Calcuating Distance Between Points On Earth Why Are My Haversine Vs. Geodesic Calculations Diverging?

Can't Grab Two Fields From A Webpage In Desired Way

I've created a script in python to fetch two fields (2nd and 3rd columns) time and currency fro… Read more Can't Grab Two Fields From A Webpage In Desired Way

Logscale Plots With Zero Values In Matplotlib *with Negative Exponents*

This question is highly related to that one. I'm trying to plot a graph in which the x-axis is … Read more Logscale Plots With Zero Values In Matplotlib *with Negative Exponents*

Python Plotting On Remote Server Using Pycharm

I have started to learn Python and so far my setup has been following - Python 3.5 installation on … Read more Python Plotting On Remote Server Using Pycharm

How To Solve Tensor Flow Cpu Dll Not Found Error

I have install tensorflow v2.1.0 with python version 3.6.6 and pip version 20.0.2. When i try to im… Read more How To Solve Tensor Flow Cpu Dll Not Found Error

Pyspark Convert Result Of Mappartitions To Spark Dataframe

I have a job requires to run on a partitioned spark dataframe, and the process looks like: rdd = sp… Read more Pyspark Convert Result Of Mappartitions To Spark Dataframe

Can't Pip Install Tensorflow 'msvcp140_1.dll' Missing

I am currently trying to pip install tensorflow, which works but after I install it, and then impor… Read more Can't Pip Install Tensorflow 'msvcp140_1.dll' Missing

Gtk-warning **: Locale Not Supported By C Library. While Using Several Python Modules (mayavi, Spectral)

I updated my MacBook to Mavericks, reinstalled Macports and all Python 2.7 modules I usually use. W… Read more Gtk-warning **: Locale Not Supported By C Library. While Using Several Python Modules (mayavi, Spectral)

Python Tkinter Random Generating The Colors?

from tkinter import * import random tk = Tk() canvas = Canvas(tk, width=400, height=400)… Read more Python Tkinter Random Generating The Colors?

Pandas Write Table To Mysql: "unable To Rollback"

I need help to get this working. I have a pd.DataFrame (df), which I need to load to a MySQL databa… Read more Pandas Write Table To Mysql: "unable To Rollback"

Subtract Two Pandas Dataframes Joined On Multiple Column Values

I am trying to subtract the values of a column in DataFrame A, from the values from a column in Dat… Read more Subtract Two Pandas Dataframes Joined On Multiple Column Values

Add Constant List To Pandas Column

Assuming I have a df: df=pd.DataFrame({'a':[1,2,3],'b':[4,5,6]}) All I want is to … Read more Add Constant List To Pandas Column

401 Error Using The Streaming Features Of Twitter Api (through Tweepy)

I've got an application which takes advantage of a number of features of the Twitter API. I'… Read more 401 Error Using The Streaming Features Of Twitter Api (through Tweepy)

Removing Duplicate Dataframes In A List

I have a list in python that contains duplicate dataframes. The goal is to remove these duplicate d… Read more Removing Duplicate Dataframes In A List

Grab 2 Keys With Highest Values For Nested Dictionary

I have a dictionary which looks like this: bigdict = { 'a': {'foo':2, 'bar… Read more Grab 2 Keys With Highest Values For Nested Dictionary